Delivery Simulations
Tech Debt Management
Anonymous Team Health Checks
AI-driven Team Insights
AI-driven Status Reports
For Scrum Masters
For Delivery Managers
For Development Teams
For Product Managers
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Never miss a deadline again
Using simulations to create delivery plans makes it hard to miss dates.
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"This saves me loads of time, at the moment what takes minutes in Tenhaw.com takes me days in spreadsheets"
Huda Tentawy
Seeing Machines
Data-driven delivery
Everything you need to put data at the heart of your decision making
Start your 7 day free trial
See how long a backlog will take to complete for your teams, and easily communicate that to stakeholders in a language they understand.
Capacity Planning
Understand how much work the team are likely to complete the next sprint, month or quarter.
Tech Debt Simulation
Understand the impact tech debt has on timelines, and predict when you'll be able to get to a sustainable level.
Delivery Planner
Take into account team experience, upcoming holidays and tech debt to create data-driven delivery plans.
There's an 85% chance we can do that
Talk in confidence intervals about when things will be done
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Based on your needs