Digital Delivery, Assured

Use data to get Product, Engineering and Business Stakeholders on the same page and never miss a deadline again.

Solving delivery challenges for

HMRC - UK Government - Public Sector

Put your data at the heart of your decision making

We combine ticket data, risks and issues, holiday trackers, tech debt backlogs, product backlogs and team health data to allow you to take decisions based on all the facts.
A picture with a development team in the hands of someone

Tech Debt Simulations

Bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders by showing the size and the impact of technical debt on deadlines and capacity.

Real Time Reports

Generate status reports in seconds, and see detailed Team Insights.

What if? Analysis

Plan for for the unexpected. Understand the impact of Epics taking longer, people being on holiday, the impact of switching people between teams and much more.

Realistic Forecasting

Use AI simulations to change the conversation from you'll be done by Sprint 6, to theres a 75% chance you'll be done by Sprint 6.

Testimonials is used by Product, Delivery and Engineering Teams
“This helps guide prioritisation conversations with stakeholders - it’s clear to show when things might be delivered and take actions accordingly”

Elena Abril
Product Manager
Ex-Sony / Ex Deloitte
Linkedin - - Jira
“This saves me loads of time, at the moment what takes minutes in takes me days in spreadsheets.”

Huda Tantawy
Delivery Manager
Seeing Machines
Linkedin - - Jira
“In every place I’ve been, its takes 90 minutes per report, this takes 90 seconds! Everything I have at the moment is in spreadsheets, but this makes life much easier!”

Anita Kerr
Senior Project Manager
ASG Group
Linkedin - - Jira
"I’m doing some stuff in spreadsheets, and some guesswork. This brings all that together and provides that consistency across multiple teams”
Vit Sihanikom
Technical Delivery Manager
Linkedin - - Jira
“I finally have something to go back to the executives with to show the impact of Tech Debt”

Alexander Teleki
Senior Solutions Engineer
Linkedin - - Jira
“I like being able to add your own questions in the health check feature”

Scott Simcock
Global Delivery Manager
Linkedin - - Jira

Read about our Professional Services Work

Learn about how we take a data driven approach to digital delivery in the real world