Predict, Deliver, Prove.

Tenhaw provides deep insights into your Jira data. We help Software Teams deliver on time and clearly show the value of what they delivered.
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What does this do that Jira doesn't?

We combine jira ticket data, risks and issues, holiday trackers, tech debt backlogs, product backlogs and team health data to allow you to take data-driven decisions based on all the facts in real time.
Take a Tour

Expected Completion Dates based on Simulations

See when something will be delivered, with recommendations for how to get back on track if needed.

Value Tracking from Discovery to Post-Live

Understand the value you need to generate from each work item and prioritise accordingly.

Show the impact of Tech Debt

Bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders by showing the size and the impact of technical debt on deadlines and capacity.

Measure Psychological Safety Consistently

Perform team health checks that are anonymous, at scale. Roll up the results into reports in seconds.

Daily Recommendations to Increase Performance

Real time team insights suggest actions to prevent blockers, remove blockers, and structure work to increase output.

Deep dive into Quality Assurance

Easily understand patterns in bugs, and anticipate what features are most likely to introduce new quality issues.

Testimonials is used by Product, Delivery and Engineering Teams
"I’m doing some stuff in spreadsheets, and some guesswork. This brings all that together and provides consistency across multiple teams”
Vit Sihanikom
Technical Delivery Manager
Linkedin - - Jira
This saves me loads of time, at the moment what takes minutes in takes me days in spreadsheets.”
Huda Tantawy
Delivery Manager
Seeing Machines
Linkedin - - Jira
“I finally have something to go back to the executives with to show the impact of Tech Debt

Alexander Teleki
Senior Solutions Engineer
Linkedin - - Jira

Case Studies

Read how our founder James has taken a data driven approach to digital delivery in the real world